About / Consulting

Eden’s Bridge is a multi-faceted ministry targeting the movement of God in the marketplace. We function on three levels. First is in teaching about marketplace theology and marketplace ministry (MPM) in its many forms. Second is in communications via our web site (www.edensbridge.org), and via “Exchange: The Journal of Mission and Markets” where we strive to give voice to the varied segments of MPM including MPM practice(s) and foundational marketplace theological and biblical study (also available on the web site). Finally, we offer teaching, consulting, and coaching through introductory seminars, and direct organizational consulting and coaching for those just entering or wanting to expand MPM initiatives.

Eden’s Bridge was birthed out of David Doty’s research and thought development which led to his book – Eden’s Bridge: The Marketplace in Creation and Mission[i]  –which is the first articulation of a biblically-based theology of the marketplace as an institution of God.

Eden’s Bridge is also an ongoing exploration of the interaction of Christian faith and economics, and the marketplace and Christian vocation, with particular focus toward the function and roles of the marketplace and marketplace Christians in advancing the Kingdom of God. The current focus is on articulating a view of economics aligned with the Bible particularly concerning eschatology, the study of the last things or days (eschata) preceding the return of Christ to earth, via continuing research and additional writing.


Dave Doty brings more than thirty years’ experience, including nearly half as a three-time small business entrepreneur and board membership and leadership service for three not-for-profit organizations, to bear in a relaxed, conversational consulting style. He has coached several not-for-profits and small businesses “to the next level,” helping them overcome the obstacles to moving their enterprises forward.

Areas of expertise include pre-launch strategic planning, long-term planning and vision casting, organizational development, organizational logistics, and what he likes to call “fire fighting,” dealing with internal and external surprise issues on the fly.

Dave’s intent is not to tell you what to do but to walk with you on the journey, acting as a guide where necessary and a provocateur in general, all at very reasonable rates. Initial conversations are free to find out if we can accomplish your aims together.

Contact Dave at


or 859-621-3636

Eden’s Bridge as a ministry is committed to spreading the good news of the Gospel, especially by encouraging economic justice through market mechanisms and equipping programs, such as micro-economic development, support ministries (offering assistance in sustainable funding for not-for-profit organizations, organizational and staff development, revenue generation, marketing, research, and connection), and educational discussions across a broad spectrum of participants.

[i] Doty, David B. Eden’s Bridge: The Marketplace in Creation and Mission. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2011.

8 responses to “About / Consulting

  1. Jack Hicks

    Mr. Doty: I would like to talk with you about your work, ministry, business, etc.

  2. Kamran Shahid

    Mr. Doty: Can I also talk to you about Business as Mission?

  3. JanG

    Dear admin (or anyone here), are you in anyway affiliated with the UK celtic band Eden’s Bridge?

  4. Donn Keith Hallman

    I have been thinking about starting a microfinance business that is focused on teens and young adults. I have not found much in the way of books or video. Any advice of where to start? Thanks!

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