We Need Christian Angel Investors

There are likely millions of Christians in the position to start and operate small businesses worldwide but cannot simply due to a lack of seed capital. Both Christian individuals and organizations hoping to launch for-profit enterprises as a means of outreach through job creation and customer contact, and as a source of sustainable funding, need your help. Charity shrinks when economies fluctuate. Dependency rises and morale sinks where there are no jobs. Small businesses grow more quickly than big businesses and create far more jobs than any other enterprise group.

We need angel investors, both those with deep pockets and those willing to network with others by moving assets into Christian small-business venture funds. We need to work together as the Church worldwide in solidarity to fulfill the prophecy first given to Israel that the nations would look to them and see that they were a “wise and understanding people” and that God was surely in their midst (Deuteronomy 4:6-7).

Every day we are losing opportunities to demonstrate to the world as witnesses to the glory of God and the abundance of divine goodness when we neglect to prefer trading with Christian business owners over those who do not follow Christ, and we invest in the world’s system simply because we think the economic advantage is greater. Do not lay up your treasures in this world but in heaven. Be an agency for bringing the love of God to the poor and disenfranchised. Invest intentionally at the bottom of the economic pyramid. We do not have a spirit of fear but can trust God to guide our investments among small businesses and especially in support of the poor.

If Christians in North America would commit just ten percent of their equity holdings (like retirement investments) to such ventures, we would first be astonished at the amount of funds that could be invested in small, high potential endeavors, and second at the buzz it would create in the business world and media. If we doubled or tripled the success rate of Christian start ups by ensuring access to needed capital and came alongside them as mentors and coaches, even prestigious business publications like the Harvard Business Review and Wall Street journal would take notice. We, as the Church, have the collective economic power to be salt and light in dramatic fashion.

Please help me spread the word to the global Church. Business was instituted by God from the very beginning in the exchanges implied to occur between Adam and Eve, the first man and the first co-worker (`ezer). Economic exchanges, between any two people, are our opportunity to demonstrate holiness or demonstrate selfishness, faithfulness or fearfulness.

Can you imagine a more ideal time in human history, given global trade and communications technology, to light up the marketplace with the love of Christ? Please do not hold back from this. God is calling us, preparing us, then sending us out to where we work, produce, and shop to be his people for his glory.

To all those who agree with the sentiment here, do more than simply agree. Post, re-post, respond, invest, ask questions, push this agenda forward. “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” – Edmund Burke. It is time to do more than simply nodding our assent. It is time to put our money where our mouth is. People are dying from being too poor to live and souls are lost because there is no vision and witness. Get involved. Make a difference. Be a living witness by sharing and investing the blessings God has given so freely to you.

Most of us live in plenitude and our sisters and brothers, both here at home and around the world, have need. It is time to step up!

And as a serial entrepreneur I can attest that those who help small businesses get off the ground by investing in them are not called angels by mistake or happenstance: they are heaven sent.

Be blessed . . . and be a blessing,



Filed under Faith

78 responses to “We Need Christian Angel Investors

  1. Great comments. It is an area that really does need more attention. There is an amazing absence of networks to connect capital and entrepreneurs and opportunities here and around the world. Work and business is not of the devil as many would have us believe. God created us to be producers, stewards, and workers and done to his glory, Christians can do some amazing things with his/their businesses. Thanks for fighting the good fight on this.



  3. Dave,
    You are right on target! As you may know, we created the Christian Angel Capital Network, http://www.Christianangelinvestors.com, and our new crowdfunding site, http://www.ChristianCrowdFund.net, specifically to unite Christians in business. Our inspiration is 2 Cor 6:14, which we believe specifically commands Christians to partner ONLY with fellow Believers. This means any partnership requiring a signed contract to share a business ownership or unite with investors in exchange for equity. This is being “equally yoked in business”!
    Bill Murray

  4. Larry Baker

    David, completely agree. Tried to raise capital and awareness for a BAM-equity fund in the Pacific NW. Nothing….and I have 20 yrs experience in venture lending, community development finance, entrepreneurial finance and consulting. People like capital projects and things that they can touch and feel.

    Good luck, and keep fighting the good fight. I threw in the towel.

    • Larry – I believe every word! Trying to get people to think theologically about the marketplace is definitely an uphill battle. I am thinking I may have to put together some “vision tours” to get feet-on-the-ground, firsthand experience with some of the projects, etc. I would appreciate any anecdotal insights you might have gained. I definitely believe I will be standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before me into this foray. Please, also, keep me in your prayers!

  5. Norris Hamilton

    great an wonderful idea.I am Norris a businessman from india doing my part in spreading word of GOD by weekly radio broadcasts using my own funds.Wish had more funds to expand this radio ministry.If I had an Angel investor support in fields i could diversify in it wud help me and the LORDS work.

    • We can agree together in prayer that the rising up of the global Church, as the Church, in the marketplace, can change the dynamics of global Christian witness, as a community of loving one another that will draw the world to Christ.

  6. Amen to this blog, David.

    I would like to know why this is such a difficult concept for Christian’s to take on when we should be the ones driving it, not watching the world succeed in it. We have the collective economic power, as you say, and I’m sure the desire is there in many of us, it is the implementation of what is required that seems to be the stumbling block.

    Thanks for the links Bill. I’ve been looking for Christian angel investment schemes and I’m looking forward to researching your sites.

    Blessings to you all.
    Gareth Lewis

    • Gareth – Sorry for taking so long to respond to you comments. I think this is a difficult concept based on cultural conditioning and a recent historic disdain directed against the marketplace by a misguided clergy in some denominations and traditions. Most of the damage has been done in the last century or so and now it is the time to try to undo it.

  7. james

    I agree there is a need. I did post on Christian Angel Investors site as well as paid for an email to their investors – not a single reply. That is not a reflection of their site or service – just my personal experience. I was unable to find any other worthwhile sites either, so still looking.

  8. Hey Dave, I own and operate a Christian start-up – http://OurChurch.Com – so I definitely appreciate supporting Christian businesses, but help me understand where you’re coming from when it comes to angel investors…

    Obviously there are angel investors, venture capital companies and so forth that invest in all sorts companies regardless of whether the owner is Christian or not. Seems to me that if a Christian has a good business idea, that they should be able to get capital from non-Christian angel investors, right? So, this sounds like a call for Christians to invest in businesses that regular angel investors aren’t willing to put money into just because the person leading it is a Christian. Is that right or am I misunderstanding something?

    • George Morara merongo

      Hello sir
      my name is George from Kenya, i am a devoted Christian and love the Lord with all my hear. I have a brilliant i dea that needs funding to take off. I will be glad to find someone with whom we can share and bring this wonderful idea into a reality
      waiting for your kind guidance

  9. pmunger2011

    Thank you for your article. I can certainly see a need for this and I believe the time is right. Do you have any recommendations for either angel investors or entrepreneurs, where is a good place to start, to form relationships and connect money and resources to ideas, projects and businesses?

    • Paul – Great questions. I have just begun investigating the Christian Angel Capital Network (http://www.christianangelinvestors.com/) but have not connected to anyone with first hand experience with them yet. There are other Christian angel funds out there but can be hard to find. What I would like to promote is a proliferation of locally-based micro-venture funds, through your church or across other Christian communities within your community. I think it promotes the idea (especially if you can get some local press) and encourages some camaraderie to keep everyone engaged. If fifty households pony up $250 each, then you have a fund of $12,500, an astronomical amount in many missions contexts. Then get connect to an organization that is supporting micro-lending and / or micro-enterprises like Partners Worldwide (one of my personal favorites, http://www.partnersworldwide.org/) or Global Advance (http://www.myglobaladvance.org/). Communicate with the directors as to how the funds you have collected might best be applied. Definitely press for your group’s ongoing involvement so you can witness some of the good that is coming from your efforts.

      There are also opportunities to work with domestic initiatives. I would suggest starting with the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA, http://www.ccda.org/) as several of their member organizations are working with entrepreneurial initiatives in poor urban and rural communities. Typically you will find CCDA member organizations in larger metro areas, which is helpful if you are in or near such an area.

      But definitely ask about working with these agencies to create a real angle investment fund where your group will retain some ownership in the small businesses if at all possible. This will encourage mentoring relationships across town or around the world, encourage your group to “go and see and taste that the Lord is good.”

      If you would like more ideas or help tracking down specific contacts, I have a bazillion paths to a lot of people. Just give me a shout back. Please do keep me abreast if anything develops. This has sort of become my job!

  10. I totally agree, we need them but many do not know or do not want to be ‘angel investors’… and church can have an important role here bur preachers and pastors do not know much about it, and so on… Who will be the first to talk and bring this issue to them? Maybe Christian entrepreneurs!

    • Teodor – Thank you for your encouraging words. To bring this message to the whole Church, including pastors and those teaching in our Bible colleges and seminaries is the core of my ministry. Please pray for me in this as it is a long road to raise such awareness and pray that God will turn hearts to open their eyes and take this message even further. – Dave

      • Make sure we will pray! I said we, because my family members are: 9 children and 9 grandchildren, and our church has about 60 members.
        God bless you in what you do, we try doing it here in Romania, too.

  11. Thank you Dave for this brave battle you’re engaged in. As I read your lines, my heart beats grow faster. I really want to see the body of Christ embracing such an amazing idea that will help christians around the world to be lenders, and not borrowers as the Lord promised it to Isreal (Deut 28 : 12). I need financial assistance to give this good example in my country. I have already designed a business project, but still pending for lack of start-up funds.

    Thank you for praying for God’s hand upon my initiative.
    My e-mail: danieltolno@hotmail.com
    Pastor Daniel S. Tolno

    • Daniel –

      Thank you for your encouraging words. Let us agree in prayer for both our endeavors that God’s people will arise to fulfill every need and that our ministries will prosper as means to glorify the name of Christ.



    • Hi Daniel! Which country and what project do you have? I might suggest some sources of funding. Send details to mmteodor on gmail.com
      God bless!

      • Hi Teodor,
        Thank you for your encouraging message. I pray that God send such sensetive people to open doors of christian business around the world.I have sent you a personal message to your e-mail given to me.
        Remain blessed.

      • Thank you Teodor and Daniel. This has been a long held hope for this web site, that it would serve as a conduit for connecting people and ideas. Please keep us all updated on any progress!


        Dave Doty
        Eden’s Bridge

      • I will answer pastor Daniel by email, but also will put here a public message regarding crowdfunding for businesses, a new trendy and blessed funding idea from the crowd.
        There is a Christian platform in the USA owned by brother Bill Murray, the founder of CACN. In the USA there are still some problems to solve but in Europe the crowdfunding equity sites are very active: Crowdcube, Symbid, etc.
        In Africa, there are few companies that are offering microfinancing with a very good rate of interest: MYCN, Kiva.org, etc. Also brother Hartmut Sieper has an excellent capital funding network in Africa named Trans Africa Invest.
        More details on crowdfunding and capital gaining on my website Capital Accent (David, if the last sentence is not allowed, please delete this part).
        God bless you!

      • Teodor –

        Are you aware of any microfinance / microdevelopment agencies in Tanzania?


      • Dear brother Teodor,
        I have searched for the Trans Africa Investment on their website, but they are not represented in my country. They have representatives in other west african countries except Guinea and Sierra Leone. Are they looking for credible people in those places to represent them?
        What shall I do in this case?

      • I will send a complete answer by email soon.

  12. Max

    I completely agree and think that anyone having knowledge within Christian faith should share it freely and joyfully as they also will be helping to spread the word in the most effective sense.

    • Thanks, Max –

      And I agree with you . . . up to a point. We should be open handed but at the same time, knowledge (/ information) always comes at a price. It often costs money but always costs time. I have ten years invested in research on integrating faith and economics. I have spent thousands of hours. The world may not value what I have learned but the Church should. Unfortunately we think all Christian service should be ill paid (or not paid at all), that everything should be done form the goodness of heart. But Scripture is clear that workers deserve to be paid. That is not to say that there is not a place for volunteer service but we often ask faith workers to accept less than standard-of-living wages. Truth is, pastors should probably be some of the highest paid workers in the world because, frankly, there is no more demanding work. Theologians deserve far more credit (and financial support) for their role in leading the Church through the centuries than they have been given, as well.

    • I have tried many resources but it is very hard in these times. Also, most Christians only talk but do nothing to change this. Few tried, such as Bill Murray from CACN and others, but alone they can do much… need the power of crowd as Jesus said, but it is not easy to put that power together in one place and bring the blessing to many. I am afraid we live in the times of individualism and materialistic extravagance that is affecting also many of Christians… However, I am still oppened and ready to put all my knowledge, money and assets in the service of the Lord by doing together a project like this.

      • Teodor –

        This is exactly why I had published the article on angel investors. This is a serious downfall of the modern Church in developed economies!


      • Hi Dave,
        Blessed New Year 2014 !
        Should we start creating a crowdfunding platform for and made by Christians? Or this might be a risk? Some will say that Christians try to live in a separate world, something that Jesus dind’t do, he teached people to live among and with all and spread the world through unchristians too.
        What way will be the best in your opinion?

      • Teodor –

        Yes and Amen! We do need to do this. The biggest issues facing doing so are the monies and expertise for platform (web site) development, marketing, and administration. I do not have such resources available but let this be a common prayer between us that the Lord would show us the way.

        Have a blessed new year, as well.


      • Dave,
        So, what is next?! Yes and Amen does not mean only money! there are many things to do, including prayer but not only. Please let me know if you agree to be part of a team, and let start praying first, then brainstorming, planning and so on. What do you think?

      • Teodor –

        Re your question: “what is next?” My strategy of serving God in this particular area has evolved over the last few years. I have come to equate “waiting on the Lord” (Isaiah 40:31) with “praying without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:17) for the “battle is the Lord’s” (1 Sam 17:47). I have made too many hasty plans in my life but I see God making a way where there seems to be no way (Phil 2:13). I cite all these to, hopefully, demonstrate, that I have given up trying to formulate my own plans.

        However, when God sends people or circumstances my way, then I feel the freedom to test the waters. Your invitation to team up on this, to me, is just such an occasion where I need to be mindful that God may be speaking or opening doors.

        So, let us agree in prayer that we believe we have heard God’s voice to address the need for a venture capital organization and ask that He lead us to next steps. I found your profile on LinkedIn and have sent a connection request. We can take this conversation private (via email) to share our thoughts (brainstorming) and prayers.


        Dave Doty

  13. I am the owner of a new business at http://www.hopeclothingcompany.com , I have Christian, cancer awareness, etc., apparel for the entire family. I look forward to being a blessing and being blessed. I am hopeful and prayerful that God’s people will stand up for one another, and give hope to Christian businesses, and those that are lost. Our businesses should be a platform for changing lives. I am open to the possibility of partnering up or fundraising for others. Groups, clubs, churches, etc.
    I stumbled across this info while seeking assistance for my micro-budget (marketing, advertisement, etc.) If I find out anything in the near future, I’ll be happy to share it with you. At this moment in my life, I’m caring for my mother in her health battle and running my business, an angel investor with very little would make a profound difference in my situation. I have put things in the Masters hands. So keep brainstorming, I’ll be praying for all of my brothers and sisters who have businesses. Praying God’s best to his people.

  14. Bob

    Great article and thread. Most business ideas, from believers of not, fail due to lack of funding. If we promote/assist believers, we provide the opportunity that they, in turn, will assist and create more resources for the kingdom. Some ideas, no matter the origination, should not be put in practice. Some ideas need to be funded and will create incredible resources. So we must be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. I am starting a company in which our plant is fully funded but we are having trouble finding investment for the interim period before construction begins. It is not easy, but I know the Lord will see us through it. Just remember, if the Lord blesses you in your business, we are deluded if we believe we should keep it all and amass personal wealth. JC Penney gave away 90% and lived on 10%. Most, when they start to achieve, buy more (not to say we cannot be comfortable) and in so doing begin to forget what reliance on the Lord is. I have a friend from Guinea on mission in the US because us poor Americans have too much and have forgotten God – quite often true. Be wise; be giving; do not forget the Lord; bless His people; keep His word in your heart (Psalm 119 is good for this); remember they are His resources you are being allowed to manage. Most of us that have been through looking for investment (still there) have a different perspective on investing in others. Just like witnessing, many will say, “I’m not gifted with that” – the Great Commission doesn’t say “IF” and it is not the “Great Suggestion”. Give wisely, but give. Invest wisely, but invest. Share the faith unashamed.

    • Well said, Bob. Please feel free to pass the article link along to others. There are many “wealthy” Christians in developed economies that do not understand that they are wealthy nor that they have an opportunity, especially banding together, to bless lower income entrepreneurs in challenged communities both domestic and abroad. Thanks for your comments and, please, spread the word.

      – Dave

  15. Hi Dave,
    As I see BAM offers training not capital. Also, do you know what happened to Bill Muray? His sites are not active! Does he failed with Christian Crowdfunding platform and his Angel Business?
    As I said it is hard to separate things so much, and in my opinion we must live among all people and try to be an example, as Jesus did. It is harder to do it than to talk here but I think this is what we must do.
    However, to find Angel Investors is a VERY hard task!! I have 2 very powerful business plans but no way to find capital for funding them! And I try this since about 4 years ago but nothing real happened, even if I was contacted by some potential angel investors… they seem not to be real Angels 🙂
    However, I am not giving up, still working and praying!

    • Teodor –

      If it was easy, everyone would be doing it!

      Bill’s web site (for CACN) being down really is odd. I visited the web site just a few days ago. I think Bill could offer a great deal of helpful information to entrepreneurs, especially concerning what it is investors are looking for in the presentation of investment opportunities and specifically on amounts and mechanisms for returns on their investment. Perhaps, too, we should be looking into angel investors in general as to what appeals to them about various offerings. This is a topic that needs a lot of exploration.

      Thanks for touching base.


      • Bill seems to come back online by creating anew website. Let’s pray for his success with his new project for Christian Investors and Entrepreneurs!

  16. I am truly blessed by this post and the comments read. It’s about time this kind of discussion took place. Why can’t the kingdom be self-sustained? After all aren’t we not the Head, and Above not beneath. Aren’t we the keepers of this great wealth our Father owns…why do many of his children still lack? We need more men with Visions.

    I have great visions and ideas and a Radical kingdom Citizen but didn’t find the funding I needed. I want to be able to help sustain my Church and it’s growing Ministries. It is currently in fundraising to gain funds for planting another Sister church in a poor community. Everybody seems for themselves but I’m sure I can make a difference because I have Visions, dreams, the Holy Spirit and faithfulness by my side, a passion for Salvation of the lost at any cost. I am also quite young and have the team I need to get work done.

  17. Thank you so much for your website and article. We are trying to get a business off the ground and we were considering going on Shark Tank when it comes to our city later this month. I like the show but kept balking at going into business with unbelievers. If the investors on Shark Tank are Christians, I have not seen it modeled in their behavior.
    We want to glorify God in our business, and do not feel that they would want to go this way and dreaded getting involved with them. Started looking for another avenue and found your website. Thanks for bringing others together to Glorify God!
    Mary Hale

    • Mary –

      Thank you for your kind words. I watch Shark Tank often. It is impossible to know what is in a man’s heart but of all the sharks I see the gentlest and kind-hearted spirit in Robert. He seems to genuinely care about the people behind the businesses. Even if you go on, you do not have to make a deal but the exposure may very well be “taking back the land” if it contributes to your success.


      Dave Doty

  18. badger003


    I suggest that you forward your business plan and/or executive summary directly to me at bill@Christianangelinvestors.com

    We reply with an initial review within seven to ten days. from receipt. Thank you! Our website is: http://www.Christianangelinvestors.com


    Bill Murray
    CEO, Christian Angel Capital Network

    • Daniel Saa Tolno.

      Dear Bill,
      My name is Daniel Saa Tolno. I am a Pastor of an Evangelical church in Guinea Republic , West Africa. I have initiated a Profit-based Business recently in my country. The business company is about providing services. Our country is about only 10% Christians of a population of 11M. I would like to bring the message of the gospel to unbelievers through employment and customers contacts. My prayer is that the Lord raise Christian men and women who are business minded with intense desire to share the Gospel of Christ through business.
      Thank you for guiding me and assisting as much as you can.
      Pastor Daniel.

      • Hi, Daniel –

        (By the way, my name is David, not Bill…but that’s okay).

        Thank you for touching base. I am glad to hear of your business start up. Please continue to pray for the Lord bringing forth business leaders and pray for me as I am contemplating a new project of my own.


      • Color Coded Music

        Hi David,

        I posted on your website about a year ago. We are still trying to get our business off the ground. Would like to tell you more about it and some good developments that have come along, if you are interested.

        < Mary Hale

      • Mary –

        I would be glad to know more.


  19. Josh k

    Great articles Dave, I went all over the web looking for investors until I ended up here. I hope this is the right place to seek assistance. I am a young man from Papua New Guinea and I am looking for Christian investors or someone to help me start a rural based library donation program. I have a heart for my people living in the remote areas of Papua New Guinea and I believe I can serve my people most by donating books and establishing libraries in rural schools that do not have one. If there is anyone willing to give me a hand, My people will never forget your name. I believe in the power of education and books are the ones that carry that. I need books to establish libraries in the rural and jungle schools in Papua New Guinea, starting with my province.

    I love the Lord and I will keep trusting Him till He brings my dream come
    true. (my email: jlkameko@gmail.com)

    Please don’t contact me if you are not willing to start up anything with me.

    May God bless you as you continue to witness for Him in whatever you are doing. Keep up the good work for the Lord, Dave. Thank God for this site.


  20. My name is olivia josef i live in Namibia i am bornagain christian pastor. I have been in need of capital to fund my agricultural farming project i have project of fruits and vegetables i am in need of fund to startup my business…i am here therefore request anbody who can invest in my agri project in Namibia to email me as soon as you can..investors, lenders, business loan and startyp loan please email me at oliviapkjosef@gmail.com thank you.

    • Olivia – I am sorry I have taken so long to reply to your comment. I would recommend contacting Agrimissions (www.agrimissions.com). They may know of missions practitioners in Namibia that could help you with your farming project. – Dave

    • Olivia, please also try to contact SmallFoundation: http://www.smallfoundation.ie/about-us/contact-us as they work in Africa.

      • Thank you for adding this, Teodor!

      • Welcome! That’s easy, to recommend someone! I’d like to able to do more than that! Right now, I work on a house 3D prinitng project, and hope to come back to the USA in few month as CACN offered to help in getting some funds there for the project. The problem I have is that, even if I have a valid SSN in the USA, I do not have a permanent address and a bank account there, so I need a partner with whom to open a company maybe in Delaware or another easy and fast US State, and do business together, for raising funds and making marketing in the USA. In Europe and Romania we have everything setup but I MUST do something in the USA, as there are still many opportunities there!
        Can you find some Christian partner, a serious man or woman who would like to be involved in this business?
        Here are some info abut this huge opp:
        And good thing is that we have all the knowledge and expertise to do it!
        Waiting for your answer.
        God Bless You!

      • Teodor –

        I wish I had the kind of network connections you are seeking but I simply do not. I have had many, many people contact me and access to capital and viable partners are two of the hardest connections to make for any entrepreneur, Christian or not.

  21. Hey Dave, I just realized that in April and May this year 2016 I was working and driving very close to your place, arounf Donwoody, Sandy Spring, the Home Depot near you and so on!! I was so busy having no time to check all my USA agenda with addresses and telephones! Next time I wont miss you, no way!

  22. Teodor Miroslav Muntean

    Don’t worry, I just have found a very good friend and Christian in Michigan who has the company formed already. I will be there soon! So, I don’t get it David, what is you role, only to talk and doing nothing about what you are talking? Sorry, I do not want to offend you, just want to make people doing something for the Kingdom of God, not only talking and preaching! Hope you understand what I mean and paying for open gates by the Lord, as many people seem to contact you here online and maybe there offline also.
    God’s blessings upon you, and let us move the mountains through Faith and Action!

    • I know you do not mean to offend and I am not offended. Information is a very valuable resource and being a researcher I can often point folk to a variety of sources for more or better information than I have, especially if I can point them to organizations already doing things in the places they are looking for. Your assumption, played out, could be extrapolated to say that libraries or the Internet, as sources of information have no role, or that teachers and such have no role in making things happen but both types of resources play vital roles.

      Personally, I am a theologian and that is the largest part of my function in marketplace ministries. However, I also serve as the Director of Organizational and Staff Development for an indigenous, multi-faceted ministry in India, and I do and have coached many, many individuals along the way. Please do not either discount the role of preachers. According to the Bible, there are pastor and teachers included in the five-fold ministry to equip the saints for Kingdom work. You may see yourself as front line but some of us serve in supply, logistics, planning, and even as boot camp sergeants.

      • You are right, now I see it much better what is preacher’s role and I appreciate very much what you do here in order to connect people also praying for your mission in India.
        God bless you!

      • Thank you, Teodor. And keep me apprised of your progress. It is a fantastic technology and I pray your models of affordable housing improve more lives than either of us can ever count.

  23. Hi, Teodor Miroslav Muntean and David Doty

    I am from Nepal. I have save the life Nepal. just i made a website http://www.savethelife.org
    I want to reg. this organization in usa. Please give information or Idea ?

    • Ramhari –

      Good to hear from you. Unless you have a physical presence, such as an office or an agent who lives in the U.S. that could provide a local address, I am not sure how you would register here. If you have part of your organization here, you can register as a not-for-profit corporation, but I do not think you can do that from Nepal.


      • Hi,
        It is easy to register a non-profit org in the USA, but as Davis said, you must have someone representing your org there and a location, a physical place and address for that. It will cost you few US dollars.
        Maybe it is good to try to find a Christian Nepal community that lives in the US, a church or another community.
        Also, you must have clear vision and mission statement for your org location in the USA, what will you do there, otherwise, no reason to open it and have only expenses and no benefits. I guess it is for raising funds, this is also a hard task, but not impossible, and if you have a good plan that is blessed and brought in front of God by prayers, then the success must be there!

  24. Ramhari,
    Congrats for your website and I am sure that after making it fully functional, it can be used for fundraising in the USA and worldwide!

  25. It is easy to register a non-profit org in the USA, but as Davis said, you must have someone representing your org there and a location, a physical place and address for that. It will cost you few US dollars.

    Maybe it is good to try to find a Christian Nepal community that lives in the US, a church or another community.

    Also, you must have clear vision and mission statement for your org location in the USA, what will you do there, otherwise, no reason to open it and have only expenses and no benefits. I guess it is for raising funds, this is also a hard task, but not impossible, and if you have a good plan that is blessed and brought in front of God by prayers, then the success must be there!

  26. I’m a Christian Bible Study teacher – 12 years now – and also a restaurateur. I thought my highly detailed business plan for a Christian themed restaurant would definitely draw Christian investors; low overhead, great location, waterfront, we’re looking at an ROI over 100%. But no, nada, zero, zilch. I’m doing the venture on my own after my Christian friends defined apathy. Christianity in America is 90% dead. It probably always has been. If I’m successful in this venture, my plan is to do just what you’re talking about; loving other Christians as Jesus loved us by shepherding Christian entrepreneurs to achieving a successful Christian endeavor.

    • Jim –

      I pray for your success. In reclaiming the marketplace, we are still very much at the forefront of the battle. You, however, are an example of faith and godly diligence. Our efforts need not necessarily be Christian-themed but they do need to be dedicated to serving God. I am currently reading Nehemiah and the Israelites are struggling to build the wall in the face of enormous ridicule and threat. Keep your faith strong and may God be with you.

      Dave Doty

  27. Jigmee Sonam Bhutia

    Hello David,
    Thanks for the wonderful post. I am a Pastor serving in India for last 20 years. These days God has been prompting me to start a business which will open many doors for us here and can more fruitful and effective. Firstly we can reach out the customer, all contacts as well as the employees. On top of the we can generate fund locally which can be use in various outreach, empowerment, charity and educational projects. For us to start one, we need people of same mind, passion and vision for the lost and nations. We need resource people who will give or share us various innovative ideas or business fit for India.
    My son has completed his bakery course and have bene praying to start one. On other hand, starting good English school in India is very profitable business but later one cost more.
    If there are any born again brothers and sister with this vision to start something in India, please connect them with us.
    Thanks again David for this wonderful post.
    Brother J.Sonam Bhutia
    Cell: +91 9832504502
    email: jsbutia42@hotmail.com

  28. Lucy Obura

    My name is Lucy Obura,from Kenya..I’ve really been touched by your words,it’s like you just pinpointed me indirectly. I have a small business that I’ve been doing for now 6years,and counting. It’s got it’s challenges here and there. But at the end of the day you’ve got to wake up,work to feed your family plus the families of the workers you have. But God has been faithful,the small orders we have or get,we all feed our families and our children get educational. By God’s grace I believe one day NICE BAKERS will be a big company. Blessings 🙏

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